Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sylvester Stallone Endorses John McCain.

You have to watch this video clip.

Is John McCain Happy, Sad, or just making fun of the situation.

Who would win in a hypothetical fight, Rambo vs Walker, TX Ranger?

I would personally like to see the fight, right after the dance off between Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. That would help me to decide the next president of the united states.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Just short of comming to blows!!

The democratic debate last night was fricking hilarious. If you missed that is OK U-tube made sure they highlighted the greatest moments. This link has a bunch of clips with the greatest moments.

Did this help or hurt the Democrats?
Did the debate have a clear winner?
As much as I loved the debate I couldn't help but think, what a joke it was.
How did you feel about the debate?

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

The old man, the mormon, an evangelical Christian, an african american, and a women.

Who will be the next president of the United States? The primaries so far have put 4 people as the front runners. This is already a historic race, but will it become typical in the end? Is America ready for a black or women president? Has the Democratic party taken themselves out of the race by being different, or will it be another American milestone? It's going to be a long time before this question is answered. What do you think? Did the democratic party make an mistake? Or will they make history ?

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Nevada Caucus

The Nevada Caucus style of primary voting. Other than a name I can't say without giggling like a 5 year old boy. Then I just burst into laughter when they mention President Bush in the same sentence. Is the town meeting style of voting effective? Or is it just a silly.

How is a caucus different from a primary election?
In a primary election, voters use a secret ballot to select their preferred candidate and the votes are tallied similar to a general election. Caucuses are public meetings, where Democrats make public declarations of support and can argue with one another over who would be the best nominee.

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Hillary Beat Uncommited

In the Michigan Primary Hillary beat uncommitted by 15% and received no delegates in Michigan.

Is this still a win for Clinton?

Will this hurt, help or have no effect on her campaign in the coming months?

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mitt Romney

He won the Wyoming Caucus and the joke Michigan Primary. But can he be the President of the United States?
Do you think a Mormon can be a good president?
Do you believe him when addressed religion in general, saying that as president he would "need the prayers of the people of all faiths," and that he would "serve no one religion, no one group, no one cause, and no one interest. A president must serve only the common cause of the people of the United States."

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The real issue this year?

With so many issues going down this political season, what issue do you think will decide the next president of the United States?

Health Care?


Tax Cuts?

Gun Control?



World's Image of the U.S.?

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Monday, January 14, 2008

We need a Political party theme song.

Looking for suggestions on the political party theme song. I have a few ideas but nothing set in stone.

Offspring - what happened to you

Bush - Glycerin

Offspring - something to believe in.

Let me know what you think or suggest something better.

Top 3 reasons to have the ferret mascot!!!

I don't own a ferret, and don't plan to own one. I Don't really even like ferrets. So why did I choose the ferret as the Common Sense Political Party mascot. I don't really know but hear are 3 good reasons.

3) Ferrets are viewed differently by every state. Like the primary elections. Depending on where you live, ferrets may be completely unregulated, require a license to breed but not to own, require a permit to own, or be entirely illegal. This varies by state or province, county, and city.

2) These political mascots where already taken. I really wanted it to be a jackass. But I didn't want to steal the jackass image from the democrats.
Political party mascots
Buffalo - Independence Party of Minnesota
Bull moose - Progressive Party (United States)
Donkey - Democratic Party (United States)
Elephant - Republican Party (United States)
Rhinoceros - Rhinoceros Party of Canada
Penguin - Libertarian Party (United States)

1) None of the other political party mascot's make any sense so why should mine.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Symbol of the Future

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Senator John McCain

John McCain won the Republican New Hampshire Primary.
What do you think about his age?
What do you think about his views on immigration and the war?
What do you think of his wife Cindy McCain?
She is the chair person or owner of the company that I currently work for so I have a particular interest in the views of a non - bias person.

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Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton won the New Hampshire primary.
So what do you think of a women president?
What do you think the world will think about a women running the united states?
What do you think about Bill Clinton being back in the white house and being the first ladies-man?

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It's now a political point web site.

I will post a political topic or person and allow everyone to give there political view on that topic or person. I will be looking for facts to change the mind of people or confirm your own position. Enjoy and have fun as you learn and express your opinion.
To protect the innocent I will allow anonymous people to post their opinions.
So comment away you all.